About DVP
Deux Voiliers Publishing is an initiative of Ian Thomas Shaw, who writes under the nom de plume Con Cú (owl in Vietnamese). DVP was founded to promote novelists who wish to combine beauty with an examination of human nature. It also supports the work of translators, who seek to bring new voices to Canadian readers.
Organized as an informal writers-plus collective, DVP is a new generation publisher. We seek to match and surpass traditional publishers in producing high quality works of fiction accessible to readers everywhere. The art of creating new works of fiction is our driving force.
DVP loves public libraries. They are fabulous institutions for nurturing the imagination and creativity of future generations. So if you see a great book in our collection, don't just buy it for yourself but recommend it to your local public library for the benefit of other readers.
Deux Voiliers Publishing is named after a painting by Quebec artist Sacha Barrette. The painting depicts two sailboats (deux voiliers in French) crossing turbulent water. The first sailboat cuts through the rough waters to ease the path of the second. The painting reflects how in life, one person often clears the obstacles for another and underscores the collective spirit of our micropress.
The logo for Deux Voiliers is however based on an acrylic painting of Egyptian fellucas by Ian Thomas Shaw, and not on the original painting by Sacha Barrette.

Con Cú
Deux Voiliers Publishing
DVP Associates​dd
In addition to our 22 published authors, DVP has been exceptionally fortunate to benefit from the talent and hard work of more than forty DVP Associates. Below is a list of our current and past associates. All associates work on a volunteer basis and or donate/lend their art work or photographs on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in joining our team, click here to learn more.
Present and Past DVP Associates y
Kate Ayalogu (radio interviews, m.c.-ing collective readings)
Igor Boudnikov (art work for promotional posters)
Alex Binkley (book reviews)
Cuineas Boyle (beta reading, proofreading)
Katie Cunningham (structural/copy-editing, editorial review of submissions, beta reading, photograpy)
Josiane Dias (photography)
Kate Elliott (book reviews)
Charles Enman (copy-editing/proofreading)
Dyane Forde (author interviews)
Claudio Gaudio (collective readings, editorial review of submissions)
Bill Horne (structural/copy editing)
Laura Humeniuk (copy-editing)
Joey Kary (book reviews)
Sang Kim (m.c.-ing collective readings)
Sarah Lane (editorial review of submissions, book reviews)
Jerry Levy (editorial review of submissions)
Suzanne Lucas (book reviews)
Catherine Lussier (book reading, artwork)
Lin-Lin Mao (art, cover design)Lin-Lin Mao (art, cover design)
Betty McEachern (copy-editing, beta reading)Katherine Ovens (copy-editing)
Liz McKeen (copy-editing)
Tom Miller (donation of art images)
Kate Nguyen (photography)
Timothy Niedermann (book reviews)
Louis de Niverville (donation of art images)
Katherine Ovens (copy-editing)
Adriana Palanca (copy-editing)
Sasha Plavsa (video filming and editing)
Amanda Parker (video filming and editing)
Vivian Bettina Paz (photography)
Michel Pixel (video-editing)
Kelly Ray (media, promotion of collective readings)
Emma Robertson (photography)
Barbara Rogers (book reviews)
Arianna Scianaro (proofreading)
Michael Scott-Harston (book reviews)
Mark Shaw (IT support, proofreading)
Susan Shaw (proofreading)
Aldous Smith (book reviews, copy-editing)
Ania Szneps (SEO, copy-editing, editorial review of submissions)
Ivan Tankushev (photography)
Clara Vu-Laguë (book promotion, photography, collective readings)
Clara Vu-Laguë (book promotion, photography, collective readings)
Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher - Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher
Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher - Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher
Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher - Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher
Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher - Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher
Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher - Deux Voiliers Publishing - A New Generation Canadian Publisher